For decades I’ve used Calendula for myself, my family & pets.
An ancient flower with extraordinary healing abilities, it was always my go to for anything that hurt, itched, bled or stung !

Unfortunately in 2018 my sister Michelle was diagnosed with melanoma on the base of her foot. It was immediately removed & she needed a skin graft, fast forward 1 WHOLE year & that skin graft still hadn’t healed despite the constant treatments of modern medicine & had left the wound worse than ever !
She had used Calendula to treat the area the graft was taken from with great success, so again she reached for Calendula slowly applying to the surrounds of the wound, within days she could see improvement, over the next few mths it was clear this was the miracle she needed.
Today 4 years later she is cancer FREE & loving life & retirement !!!

It was then I decided to take it public to help others. We grow the flowers & infuse in oil, clean our own beeswax, taking it only to the basic purification level, leaving all the goodness possible, the rest of our ingredients are sourced from all over our beautiful country.
This is not just a business to me, it’s a way of being able to help a wide range of conditions to give people a better quality of life.
We hope you LOVE Ozybushgirls Calendula as much as we do 💛 Jody & Marco